Noche San Juan (english)
Here we go!

Why? The traditional festivity of the summer solstice, called NOCHE SAN JUAN, where thousands of bonfire lights are lightening up all beaches around the island.
That night, small and big bonfires are lightened, people bring foods and music in order to dance and celebrate!
Even camping, at any time forbidden, is allowed that night only!
Another tradition is, to write down wishes or vices (you wanna get rid of) on a piece of paper to throw it into the fire so that it may merge with the special magic of the night.

And don’t forget to jump over the fire 3 times in order to seal your wish!

Finally, at midnight thousands of people will be racing through the hazy bonfire air right into the sea in order to wash their spirits clean and of course: in order to have fun!
Noche San Juan is one of the most magical and astonishing festivities here on this island!
Anyone, who is out here roaming the island at that time shouldn’t miss out on this spectacular tradition!