About Us

When we arrived in Tenerife, about 9 years ago, the only thing we were looking for was escaping the rat-race of Germany, to relax, to go surfing and just simply take a deep breath!
One year turned into nearly 10 years now and Tenerife has become our new home.
We and our little family are the team of HOMEBOUND.
Our camper van adventure started a few years back, when we dove into our own first trip with our vintage VW T3 camper bus. It was the first time ever, we got to experience a totally different kind of holiday, which made all other holidays we’ve ever had look like withered raisins.
The nights on the sea falling asleep with the sound of the shore break, waking up at the foot of mountains and our breakfasts in the middle of the forests underneath gigantic pine trees… all these moments totally got us hooked. Meanwhile, our family has grown quite a bit, but still, travelling in our VW T3 Surf bus is perfect for us. Even for our little ones, to them each trip holds the secret to new experiences and the world of Nature has become their favourite play ground.
When our little one finally refused to sleep in his own bed but decided that sleeping in the bus is much better, everything was clear: We definitely had to find a way to share these experiences with others!
That’s how HOMEBOUND was brought to life!
We want you to discover our beloved island Tenerife in a totally different, and more inspiring way. The freedom to follow your heart at anytime, to experience adventures and to feel at home at the same time - all this we offer you on your holidays in our well-tended VW T3 Retro Camper Vans!
each of our reliable camper busses will accompany you in its own special way throughout the entire island, no matter if you’re looking for tranquility, for cultural input or if you’re seeking any of the many outdoor sport activities Tenerife has to offer.
In our fully equipped Surf Busses you can drift along your holidays, wherever the wind blows you.
We stand for Quality and safety is most important. Each one of our busses goes through inspection after each trip and in case one of them does fail you in any sense, we are to your service 24h 7 days a week. And in our fleet there will probably always be another bus that will continue with you your journey.
HOMEBOUND stands for: Freedom, Independence and Adventure!