The Power of Nature
Tenerife with its great variety of natural habitats from sea shores to lava mountain chains seems like one of the best therapists you've...

Sundowner at Los Realejos, North Tenerife! This is the very moment where you will realise that celebrating your holidays in our Retro...

Vanlife is more than a hobby!
To travel in a Vintage Campervan is more than just a holiday trip. Its about moments, about you and your life and about the community and...

Eine Bulli-Reise...
absolute Flexibilität, Freiheit, augenblickliche Erlebnisbelohnung und die besten Ausflugsziele Vorort - mit unseren restaurierten und...

Our Motto: Live every moment!
Here is a lovely inspiring short movie about how important it is to enjoy life, experience each moment and being fully present doing...

Traveling in a Vintage Campervan...
is not just a simple holiday. It's a lifestyle religion, which offers you full on freedom, flexibility and fills your life with...

Sun, beach...
and some time in the blue clear sea snorkelling! One of a million great ways to spent your holidays with one of our Vintage Campervans...

¨Falling stars live but for a moment in the sky...! But the impression they leave in the hearts and minds that saw it is timeless!¨...

PWA Windsurf Worldcup El Medano
The South of Tenerife, Windsurf Mecca EL MEDANO has been on fire the whole week!!! PWA - World Championship of Windsurfing has been on...

Explore unique ancient Canarian culture close-up in Garachico, Tenerife - and set your road trip on
Anyone out there who hasn't got any plans yet and fancies to fill their weekend with some spectacular ancient Canarian culture? Get your...